MINERSIM PROTOTYPE v 0.1 changelog

Version: Prototype 0.1

Description: This version add small fixes and improvements from original game jam version.

  •  fixed endgame bug where the highscore displays instead of usual score 
  • going on to drop menu freezes the game loop: this gives the time to think of drop action
  •  trading menu freezes the game loop completely as well
  • the change of iteration time applies right after the drop
  • huge code rewritting. the item data is represented by structures instead of just strings and several maps containing information about items
  • now information about the price/weight is colored in a certain color depending on what part of the total weight is occupied by the stack (red - very large, orange - large, yellow - medium, green - little
  • selection stays attached to the item stacks when the new stuff added to inventory
  •  double-click on the item drops the whole stack
  • information with controls and version displayed on the top-left corner of the screen
  • little game balance changes

Files 3.3 MB
Feb 25, 2022


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